WOP is an open group of architects having gained a variety of experiences in important national and international architecture offices.
WOP is a laboratory set up to experiment, create, learn and master a technique. For that reason, WOP is open to the contributions of artists, designers, graphics, professionals, students and all those who have the ambition of “making” architecture by actively participating in the creative process rather than examining it under the microscope.
WOP (without papers) was (is) the name given to Italian immigrants in American slang. Some say it derives from the Italian dialectal guappo (thug). Beyond its etymology, the term is open to different interpretations: literally, it indicates the large use of digital techniques; the anthropological meaning refers to our cultural roots; but the idea of immigrants without papers, therefore unidentifiable, is the one that suits us best.
The application of the concept of anonymity to a self-referential field as architecture, reflects our rejection of the role of the architect as a celebrity. Our aim is to promote the value of work rather than the name of the author.
Our research is focused on the themes of contemporary life, from sustainable development to environmental protection, with a constant balance between nature and human activity: the challenge faced by contemporary cities is to transform urban spaces, without further exploiting the landscape. Sustainable development is about getting better not bigger, imploding rather than exploding. As a consequence, our main field of activity is urban renewal, often in degraded urban sites.
Emanuela Bulli
Rome, 14.10.1970
1999 Architectural degree at Faculty of Architecture at University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
2002 / 2005 Teaching Assistant at “Architectural Laboratory II”, Faculty of Architecture at University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Giuseppe Senofonte
Naples, 19.07.1969
1996 Architectural degree at Faculty of Architecture at University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
1999 Master in "Urban planning and sustainable development, analysis, planning, design and territory management" at University of Naples “Federico II”.
1998/2000 collaboration with RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop di Genova
2001 Consultant for Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali of Comune di Roma IV U.O. Edilizia Monumentale.
2005 Consultant for Tribunale Superiore delle Acque Pubbliche and for Tribunale Civile di Roma.
2017 Winner candidate in the open competition "Procedura selettiva pubblica, per titoli ed esami, per il conferimento di n. 136 posti nel profilo professionale di Architetto" of Comune di Roma.
Our studio offers design solutions from small to large scale responding the topics of contemporary lifestyle: from private houses enhancement to urban spaces design, with attenction to the sustainability and the land protection, in a moderate interaction between human impact and natural system, all this thanks to twenty years of professional experience gained in italians and internationals architecture signs (first of all in Renzo Piano Building Workshop).
The main purpose is addressed to urban requalification and interventions in the compromised meshes of urban fabrics. Pursuing this philosophy with sustained efforts in professional practice and involvement in design competitions, we have received relevant design and professional awards (''Premio città architettura e porfido", architectural award "Ernesto Losana" and honorable mention in several competitions). We are currently engaged in the construction of a multi-purpose sports facility on behalf of the Capitoline administration.
Thanks to the experience gained in the area, we take care, as local architect, of the residential complex serving the military city of "Cecchignola", ensuring constant contact with the relevant authorities and compliance with municipal regulations.
In the private sector we operate mainly in Rome, Milan and Naples where we have built residential, productive and commemorative architectures.
Alongside to the prevailing design and research activity, we carry out institutional consultancy activities for the "Tribunale Superiore delle Acque Pubbliche" and for "Tribunale Civile di Roma".
In the private sector we carry out consultancy activities aimed to the optimization, in terms of time and cost, of all the phases of the building process: from the initial organization to the final management of the property , through the representation of the projects, modulating our role according to the specific needs of the client.
In particular we deal with:
- feasibility studies
- real estate's due diligence
- real estate's promotion
- preliminary, definitive and executive design
- contruction supervision
- relation with public administration
- project management
- maintenance management
Roma Capitale
New Energy group
Hotel Nazionale s.r.l.
Citterio S.p.A.
Città di Benevento
Relax s.p.a.
Consulthink S.p.A.
Gesac S.p.A.
Città di Portici
Comune di Impruneta
Città di Montesarchio
B&B 22
work in progress
Giuseppe Senofonte architetto architects Roma, Emanuela Bulli Architetto architects Roma, Comune di Roma Capitale, Coldiretti, Consulthink, Città di Benevento